Feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050

Ragan, K. (2016, November 19). Feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050: Greeley producers, students and educators feel the pressure. Retrieved November 19, 2016, from http:// www.greeleytribune.com/news/feeding-9-billion-people-by-the-year-2050-greeley- producers-students-and-educators-feel-the-pressure/#

The curriculums of schools in rural areas of the US have encouraged children to pursue careers at the intersection of agriculture and technology because there will be a large burden on American enterprises and farms to feed the help approximate 9 billion people in the world in 2050. The goal is to start developing technology in the US now in order to reduce future stress on production capabilities. Some current technologies include indoor and vertical farms that increase efficiency and lengthen growing seasons, but many more developments will need to be implemented to truly tackle such an immense challenge.

Schools focusing so much on innovation seems to be a necessity for a world that will need to discover solutions to feed two billion additional people in just thirty-five years. The US, which has often been at the forefront agricultural invention, will have to take a role as a leader in the decades to come. Increasing yield has always been a priority for farmers, however this level of increase is unprecedented, and increasing yield sustainably is a major environmental challenge.

6 thoughts on “Feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050

  1. I found it interesting that schools in rural areas are encouraging their kids to pursue careers in agriculture and technology. How do we increase yields to feed the growing population while being sustainable?

    • Thanks again Julian. Though I cannot answer you fully, this is a question that is critical to ensuring a stable future for us and our environment.

  2. I also find it interesting that schools are encouraging kids to have a career in agriculture and technology. Are vertical and indoor farms currently being used and if so, how are they doing?

    • These methods are being used, especially in asian countries as well as domestically in NY and NJ. They are setting a good precedent for the future of sustainable farming

  3. It is tough to think that the two most important fields of learning is technology and agriculture. Technology allows us to advance, while agriculture feeds us. What would happen to other studies that will preserve culture or traditional ways of thinking etc. These fields are already getting tougher to get accepted to for college.

    • Thank you for reading. I believe that new advanced agricultural technology will replace traditional and current agriculture quickly. This field is getting more and more lucrative and demanded.

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