Indonesia Exports Prawns to the United States

Indonesia is becoming the world’s largest exporter of prawns to the United States. Indonesia is producing these prawns through their fisheries, and they have found a potential gold mine in the country of the United States. Exporting prawns to the United States has been a boon for the Indonesian Economy. In addition Indonesia’s 0.05 percent rejection rate for prawns is at an all time low. This can also help support for the growing demand of frozen prawns in the United States.

This article illustrates the problem of food consumption growing in the United States. As people in the United States become more affluent, their consumption of food increases, which causes more food to be produced to meet the growing demand. This also effects the environment through the feed that needs to be produced to raise the prawns. It also effects the environment, through the fossil fuels it takes to transport the prawns to the United States.

Sufa, Theresia. “Indonesia Markets Fisheries Products to US.” The Jakarta Post. The Jakarta Post, 17 Nov. 2016. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

3 thoughts on “Indonesia Exports Prawns to the United States

  1. We do love our sea food. My guess is that Indonesian prawns are farm raised. Harvesting wild ones is incredibly env. destructive, but farming can have big env. impacts too- so even though it’s great for Indonesia to have cash flow, are there big external costs to Indonesia for this business? From what Monterey Aquarium advises, all Asian fish farms should be avoided. What do you think? Is that fair?

  2. I agree with your point. Along with the raising of tons of prawns comes environmental problems such as too much prawn waste. Do you think the environment and around prawn farms will suffer greatly? Or do you think the farms will control pollution and environmental problems?

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