Petition urges health department to warn of algal blooms

MacPherson, E. (n.d.). Petition urges health department to warn of algal blooms. Retrieved July 2, 2018, from


A woman named Jennie Pawlowsky of Martin County, Florida has begun a petition to get the Martin County Health Department to warn the public about the dangers of algal blooms. She believes that nobody should be in the water due to the sheer amount of algal blooms along the coast. Pawlowsky and other supporters of her petition believe that the health department must put up a sign around areas that are unsafe to enter due to algal blooms. She also believes that the health department is not taking the issue seriously.


The statement from the health department on the lack of communication is fairly concerning because it implies that the algal blooms are not being taken seriously. A sign would be an effective method of getting the message out to everybody who it may affect, as not everybody will read or listen to a statement issued by the health department. The health department may not be able to change the amount of algae in the water, but they are able to give ample warning to the people of their county. The people of Martin County should be warned so that they don’t make a mistake they won’t regret, but their health department is not taking it as seriously as they should.

4 thoughts on “Petition urges health department to warn of algal blooms

  1. I agree that the health department is not taking this issue as seriously as it should. Abnormal or excessive algae does not only harm marine life and ecosystems – such as in the Gulf of Mexico – but it also poses a threat to humans. Do you think that we have a greater obligation to address algae problems if they have an impact on humans as well as wildlife?

    • I believe that it shouldn’t matter what the algae bloom affects before we take action against them. Fish are a major part of the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico for humans and animals.

  2. I agree with your point, this is concerning that no one is really taking this issue seriously. Was there any insight on how these algae blooms are happening? If so how can they be prevented?

    • They occur due to nitrogen runoff from agricultural areas that use fertilizer. They can be prevented by limiting the nitrogen runoff from these areas.

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