Harmful acid rain in Hawaii

Daniel Jacob, professor of atmospheric chemistry at Harvard University, talks about Hawaii’s latest eruption of volcano Kilauea. Acid rain is another one the many threats Hawaii faces. He adds, “sulfur dioxide in the air isn’t good for vegetation however, it’s not soluble in water,” therefore acid rain won’t form when rain falls through sulfur dioxide- it’s a longer process. Clean rain falls on about a 6 on the pH scale while acid rain is a 4, right between orange juice and bananas. The biggest threat finds itself in the health of plants, animals, and aquatic ecosystems. It can “leach aluminum out of the soil as deposit it in streams, rivers and lakes.”


Hawaii recently faced a volcano that posed a threat to the sulfur dioxide levels. These affect the levels of acid rain in their area. Although the article doesn’t go into depth on the situation, it covers health issues regarding acid rain from a professor-assuring everything is and will be okay. People should be careful with their pets and they might see how acid rain affects plants.


Fritz, A. (2018, June 10). Harmful acid rain in Hawaii? Probably not. The clouds of sulfur dioxide are much worse. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2018/05/10/harmful-acid-rain-in-hawaii-probably-not-the-clouds-of-sulfur-dioxide-are-much-worse/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.2011f7b273cc

2 thoughts on “Harmful acid rain in Hawaii

  1. Interesting article highlighting acid rain isn’t just a human caused thing. I guess we should be creating laws to limit volcanic eruptions too- what do you think? From what I recall, when the Earth was just forming there was super acidic rain from all the eruptions.

    • Funny(: If only Mother Nature followed laws. I think in this scenario, our best bet is to adapt. We can’t do much to fight against it.

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