This floating pipe is trying to clean up all the plastic in the ocean.

Garcia, A. (2018, October 16). This floating pipe is trying to clean up all the plastic in the ocean. Retrieved from


Abstract:   There are some ways we currently trying to get the plastic out of our oceans, however there effectiveness is questionable. The “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, between Hawaii and San Francisco, is twice the size of Texas. A system with a U-shaped pipe and attached net is currently being used to try and remove the plastic waste.  A boat acts as a trash boat and comes to retrieve the trash every couple months or so. It is debated whether it would be more effective to invest in the prevention of the waste ever entering the ocean. Some measures are being taken to support this action, such as Trump recently signing the Save our Seas Act.


Opinion:  I see both sides to the debate in this article.  On one hand, I believe having this initiative to clear plastic from the seas is one that will open the door for more action in the near future.  On the other hand, I can clearly see how it may be more helpful to invest more time and money into the prevention of the waste ever getting to the ocean.  While that may be true, the plastic currently in the ocean affects the current marine animals and their habitats and thus I believe that doing something, even if its efficiency is questionable, is better than doing nothing.


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