Climate Change Puts U.S. Economy and Lives at Risk, and Costs Are Rising, Federal Agencies Warn

Berwyn, B. (2018, November 24). Climate Change Puts U.S. Economy and Lives at Risk, and Costs Are Rising, Federal Agencies Warn. Retrieved November 25, 2018, from

Climate scientists working for the United States government issued a warning about the drastic problems that climate change could bring to the future of the country. With their statement, they issued warning about how climate change could affect aspects of agriculture such as dryness of land will increase, leaving crops at risk as well as could provide more fuel for potential wildfires. Other warnings involved the frequency increase of severe rainstorms and difficulties with water supply and quality which could devastate agricultural farmlands.

With this announcement, it seems to be a very grim future if the rate of climate change continues at the rate it is currently. However, it seems that there is a strong attempt by some to generate the change that would put the cap on the rate of climate change in upcoming years. This is a very pressing issue as something that resembles the future changes described would seem to devastate the agricultural way of life in some areas and leave many in disarray.

4 thoughts on “Climate Change Puts U.S. Economy and Lives at Risk, and Costs Are Rising, Federal Agencies Warn

  1. I’m curious to know who specifically you are referring to when you say “some.” Are you talking about the legislators and policy makers in California who are attempting to set greenhouse emission standards for the state? I completely agree with your statement that some people will be affected more severely than others.

    • When I said “some” I was referring to all the legislators and activists who look to stand in the way of the continuation of practices that continue to make climate change worse and worse. Thanks for the comment!

  2. How can individuals help with the increasing climate change? Should we focus on lobbying politicians, or should we try to make our own impact?

    • Individuals can always help by being more active about what you believe and searching for change. The best way you could help out is by adjusting your lifestyle in order to be the change you want to see. Thanks for the comment!

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