Industry, environmentalists concerned about implementation of California’s reusable bag law


Renstrom, R. (2018, August 1). Industry, environmentalists concerned about implementation of California’s reusable bag law. Retrieved November 17, 2018, from


In this article by Roger Renstrom, it explains the concerns that environmentalists have concerning the new California laws pertaining to reusable plastic bags being implemented. The law states that all plastic bags in California will have to be reusable, meaning they are at least 2.25 mil thick and can carry 22 lbs 175 feet at least 125 times. They also will be required to be made of twenty percent recycled material, an amount that will increase to forty percent in 2020. Some plastic bag producers complain that certain unsustainable bags are in compliance, while their more sustainable solutions are not. After the implementation of the law an investigation found that several bag producers were not in compliance. A public interest action was then filed by the L.A. based lawyer, Stephen Joseph, who was going to sue those 10 companies who did not comply with the law. He is hoping it will not go to trial and everyone will comply.


I applaud Jerry Brown for passing this bill, however I am disappointed that another law the article mentioned that would give the funds received from plastic bag sales to environmental causes did not pass. I think it is great that we are no longer using single use plastics and utilizing recycling to create new plastic bags, however I do wonder if people will continue to reuse these bags, or of they will just throw them out. Many single use plastic bags end up in the ocean, and I wonder if fewer of these new reusable bags will end up there. Single use plastics are a huge issue because they are hard to recycle and only used once before they are throw away. Most of the time they end up in landfills or the sea, and lead to the deaths of wildlife. This new law will hopefully result in less waste and less single use plastics being hazardous to the environment.

4 thoughts on “Industry, environmentalists concerned about implementation of California’s reusable bag law

  1. I think its great that we are finally starting to make some strides in terms of plastic. Like you mentioned, a lot of our plastic ends up in the ocean, which should be avoided at all costs. Hopefully this will lead to more movements on this particular topic, as well as a shift in peoples mindset to reuse their bags.

  2. I’m glad steps are being taken to try to make plastic bags more sustainable. Do you think there will be a law in the future that will ban plastic bags completely?

    • It is totally possible, especially because of the new straw ban many cities and companies are taking up. I do feel that plastic bags really aren’t that necessary and it would be easy to just use paper, or better, bring your own bag!

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