Missouri agriculture associations support new US, Mexico and Canada trade agreement

Murgatroyd, L. (2018, November 13). Missouri agriculture associations support new US, Mexico and Canada trade agreement. Retrieved November 23, 2018, from https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/state_news/missouri-agriculture-associations-support-new-us-mexico-and-canada-trade/article_eba2b876-de06-11e8-a36b-b7abdedc7286.html

After the closing of negotiations of a new trade deal between the United States, Mexico, and Canada which would come to replace NAFTA, agriculture associations in the state of Missouri seem optimistic about the future of the trade. If enacted, Missouri would see a reduction of tariffs and would also have more access to foreign dairy markets which would be a benefactor. Missouri associations also look forward to opportunities for more related trade agreements with other countries. However, the trade agreement that is currently on the table between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico has not yet been approved by all three governments.

In the article, it speaks about how industries in Missouri are looking forward towards international trade, especially in the Canadian dairy market. It seems that the emergence of this trade deal would allow American companies to spread and gain more customers across North America, which seems to be a negative component for Mexico and Canada. It will be interesting to see what other industries will be affected by this new deal and whether it helps or hurts some industries.

2 thoughts on “Missouri agriculture associations support new US, Mexico and Canada trade agreement

  1. Missouri is interesting as a state. It has really been hurt by things like nafta. Even their movie industry is struggling. This may relieve some of the pressure missouri feels.

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