Trump Officials open door to fracking in California

Article 1: “Trump Officials open door to fracking in California”


Green, M. (2018, August 08). Trump officials open door to fracking in California. Retrieved from

The bureau of land management is analyzing the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing. This is a response from a lawsuit in 2017 brought by the center for biological diversity, following trump’s decision to open up swaths in California that were previously subject to hydraulic fracking. The area in question spans 400,000 acres of public land and 1.2 million acres of federal mineral estates throughout a number of California counties including Fresno, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara.

Trump did this to respond to the many problems occurring in California, which may or may not be related to the recent increase in west coast wildfires. His idea is to get an environmental impact statement from the BLM, which could have a large impact on how the U.S. views fracking. The process of pumping chemically charged water into the ground to obtain minerals has always been controversial, so it’s surprising that the trump administration is the one making sure the industry is thoroughly reviewed before continuing their practice. While the reasons for his blame are unclear, his intent in monitoring fracking is clear, and an advancement in the  sustainability of a lot of ecosystems can be predicted for our near future.


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