Texas Horned Lizard Once Common, Now must be Captive Bred


Cuthbert, L. (2018, October 03). Texas Horned Lizard, Once Common, Now Must Be Captive Bred. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/10/horned-lizard-texas-endangered-threatened-species-video-news/


This article tells the story of an animal that is not yet endangered however, it seems to be on a course destined for endangerment. The texas horned lizard was once a common creature is now faced with rapidly declining populations. Among other reasons, this is due to the introduced red fire ants that kill lizard hatchlings. Now often being bred in captivity the texas horned lizard seems to be on an extinction course. One of the most troubling facts was that the Texas horned lizard is one of 1,300 threatened species in texas alone.


This article is near and dear to my heart not because I have ever encountered one of these creatures in the wild but because they closely resemble the creatures portrayed in the classic adapted film Holes. However there is an actual much more real value to these creatures. Beyond their inherent value, texas horned lizards are part of a much larger issue of animals that were once extremely common that are now seeming to vanish from our world. However, there is now a bipartisan movement to protect animals like these even if they are not endangered yet. I think that is extremely important.


5 thoughts on “Texas Horned Lizard Once Common, Now must be Captive Bred

  1. I found your article very interesting and thought the connection to “Holes” was humorous. However, I do wonder if you think these lizards have a real chance of being saved, especially in light of the EPA’s insufficient efforts to protect endangered species. And besides their sentimental value, do you know if these lizards have an important role in their ecosystem that would grant them more priority for protection?

  2. I appreciate your explanation on why these lizards mean something to you, both in general and in your personal experience. Have these lizards adapted before, and if so what adaptations had to be made?

  3. Are there plans to eventually reintroduce this lizard into its native habitat after it has been sufficiently bred in captivity?

  4. I had no idea that there were so many neglected endangered species. Do these lizards play an important role in their ecosystem? What would be the effect if they were to go extinct?

  5. I feel so bad for these poor creatures. Why is nothing being done to help not only this lizard but those 1300 extinct species? Exactly what is causing this?

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