Inside a repurposed Twin Cities brewery, a massive aquaponics operation is ready to provide a locavore’s dream: fresh produce and fish, raised indoors every month of the year.

Micheal Behar( 2019, Feb 15). Inside a repurposed Twin Cities brewery, a massive aquaponics operation is ready to provide a locavore’s dream: fresh produce and fish, raised indoors every month of the year. Outside. Retrieved (2019, Feb 24) From:



There is a massive aquaponics operation going on that will supply fresh food and fish for people in California. It is inside of an 85,000 ft square warehouse and its called Urban Organics. There are about 300,000 individual plants, and the operation as a whole keeps the system running very well. The yields can be very good because about 16,000 pounds of plants are produced in a week. It also produced 150 pounds of fish per week. This makes the operation extremely efficient and allows for there to be good profit with an environmentally friendly idea.


Relation to Environmental science:

Because this food source is local, they do not do a lot of transportation. This also produces a lot of food in a small area. The food is fresh and organic, therefore it is a possible solution to the problem of agriculture taking up so much space. Because the food is layered vertically on trays the amount of space used can be minimized. Lastly, people will come to this company to pick up the food like a market, because it is so fresh and good. It is a unique way of producing food that will help with the environment in the future.


2 thoughts on “Inside a repurposed Twin Cities brewery, a massive aquaponics operation is ready to provide a locavore’s dream: fresh produce and fish, raised indoors every month of the year.

  1. I think this aquaponics effort is amazing. Especially as it is promoting local farming with less of a carbon footprint. Do you believe this to be a viable solution for urban farming in other areas around the world as less land will be available with population growth?

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