China’s population ‘to peak’ in 2029 at 1.44 billion

China’s population is set to reach a “peak” around the year of 2029 with a 1.44 billion population. Worries have raised about this increase in population and China is hoping to find a way to keep health, population and economics all in good standing. China has recently let the ‘one child policy’ go and have allowed families to have however many children they see fit. The abolishment of this policy may indeed bring China’s population and economic standing in a well place as it would keep reproduction at a fair age and reproduction would be naturally consistent. But the one huge problem that China currently faces is that their population is mostly obtained by the elderly and infants. The elderly and the infants is what the article calls ”dependants” because they are economically dependant upon family and/or the government. This leaves China’s economic dependency upon the small percentage of middle aged residents in China. China is facing some, “very unfavourable social and economic consequences” and their problem solving is currently reliant upon what happens next with their population.

This is a problem that many people saw coming for China. With the one child per family policy, it was bound to happen. China it currently very populated, possibly over populated, but if their reproduction ages are only limited to one child it leaves the rest of the population to age, almost too quickly. By quickly, it means that the middle ages portion of people are steadily aging, but China doesn’t have enough people to fill those spots being that their reproduction is lowered due to government. If China had a regular or natural reproduction process then they may not be facing this economic and social problem. Would they be overpopulated? Yes. But they would not be economically unstable.

B. (2019, January 05). China’s population ‘to peak’ in 2029 at 1.44 billion. Retrieved February 23, 2019, from

3 thoughts on “China’s population ‘to peak’ in 2029 at 1.44 billion

  1. I agree that is a very important issue considering China’s economic role in the world. Have there been any feasible solutions suggested?

  2. Do you think China can practice not a ban on over reproduction but help spread awareness in order to better the economy and China as a whole by having fewer children?

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