Ways to Reduce Insect Deaths

Carrington, Damian. Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists. Retrieved February 13, 2019, from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/feb/13/buy-organic-food-to-help-curb-global-insect-collapse-say-scientists

There are many ways to reduce the demise of global insect populations. The importance of doing so is to avoid their extinction, thus maintaining a healthy ecosystem where native insect populations can continue their productive duties in pollinating crops, sustaining healthy soil, etc. Some ways people can aid in this process are buying organic foods, mowing their lawns, planting plants which are native to the area, not using fertilizers in garden or pesticides, and reducing other processes which could harm insect collapse. However, the greatest issue in the decline of insects was due to the operations of large-scale farmers. It is the subsidies from governments that promote the development of land from farmers whom harm the environment through large scale degradation of land or the extensive use of pesticides.

This article relates to environmental science because albeit the farmer’s impact on insect populations, the use of pesticides also had major and unintended effects. Using pesticides can guarantee that crops are safe from harm, but the ramifications, not obvious, such as the impact on native insects may cause more harm than benefit. In addition, with the reforms of subsidies given out to farmers as financial incentives, governments, advocated in the article, have implemented restrictions on the use of pesticides. By shutting down the use of pesticides, farmers will adapt and find solutions to deal with pests by using methods such as integrated farming or using pheromones. Just like how flora and fauna subtlety adapt to changing environments, farmers are subtly adapting as well.

4 thoughts on “Ways to Reduce Insect Deaths

  1. You bring up a great point — sometimes the smallest creatures have the largest impact because they network so many organisms. Often times other (cuter) animals will get more attention and protect over insects even though insects are vital to our survival. How can farmers move away from using pesticides? Would economic incentives help?

  2. Interesting how the use of pesticides is like a double-edged sword. By using it we prevent insects from getting to crops but on the other, it harms the environment. How do you think we can find the balance or is there an alternative that can be used?

  3. I think in order to ban fertilizer, the government would need to ban certain chemicals that fertilizer contains. In that process, companies would need to switch to other methods to deter pests.

    I think the best solution to find the balance and to specifically deter pests is to switch to methods such as integrated farming and pheromones.

    Thanks for reading the article!

  4. I am wondering what organisms are impacted by the loss of insects. I am assuming that some small birds lose a large food source but how are plants affected? one other question I have is, do mosquitos contribute to an environment by taking blood from mammals?

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