California Natural Resources Secretary Probing ‘Dummy’ Files at Oil and Gas Agency

Wilson, Janet. “California Natural Resources Secretary Probing ‘Dummy’ Files at Oil and Gas Agency.” Desert Sun, Palm Springs Desert Sun, 14 Aug. 2019,

In response to a report on supposed “dummy” files by the state oil regulator, the California Natural Resources Agency is reviewing thousands of permits to ensure that they were all properly issued. According to employees at the regulator, the “dummy,” placeholder, files were “used by higher-ups to give petroleum companies a shortcut around legally required safety and environmental reviews.” Secretary Wade Crowfoot has been ordered to fire the state’s top oil and gas supervisor. Crowfoot also addressed the Chevron oil spill, stating that the field is being monitored and that penalties will likely be issued. Reviewing the permits a complicated process, made even more difficult with computer issues that the agency has been facing.

I think it’s terrible that petroleum companies are so filled with greed that they are willing to go to great lengths just to destroy the environment. This article really sheds light on how selfish big corporations could be. This system of permits is in place in order to protect the environment while using our resources most effectively, and selfish corporations and higher-ups prioritize their own personal gain over public health and safety. While reading this article, I was thinking about Gifford Pinchot and how his methods are ideal, but not realistic. While some companies and fair and get their permit properly, others are more concerned for themselves.

3 thoughts on “California Natural Resources Secretary Probing ‘Dummy’ Files at Oil and Gas Agency

  1. I completely agree with how terrible it is for companies to prioritize profits over environmentally friendly practices, especially ones that have such a large impact on the environment. Do you think if there were monetary incentives for companies to be environmentally friendly so that greed is less likely to get in the way of the greater good of the environment?

  2. I agree that it’s wrong these petroleum companies would use shady tactics in order to advance their agenda. I wanted to give you props for referencing Pinchot in your abstract, I think Mr. Powell would be proud. The whole point of these permits is to prevent these companies from taking oil from areas that are yet to be approved. What do you think the government should do in the future to prevent loopholes like these from being exploited?

  3. I do agree that it is terrible that petroleum companies are so filled with greed that they are willing to go to great lengths just to destroy the environment. Shows how they value money over our environmental safety and health.

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