Cutting ammonia pollution may lead to more acid rain in China.

Chemistry World News. (2019, April 03) Cutting ammonia pollution may lead to more acid rain in China. From


In the past decades, because of the amount of industrialization happening in China, air pollution and acid rain has increased immensely. Their government wants to reduce the amount of acid rain and air pollution which he is planning to resolve by reducing the amount of ammonia. This research, of finding out a way to lower the amount of ammonia, would need a lot of money. Reducing 50% of ammonia will reduce about 15% of air pollution and 15% of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The researchers came to the conclusion that it would be better to try a “region-specific strategy that examines multipollutant controls.”


I think changing up the amount of ammonia would change everything, whether good or bad. With all the advanced technology and industries such a big country like China has, there should be a possible way of maintaining an average PH on their rain. But as you can imagine the amount of people with cars/other transportation, factories, etc., it’d be a challenge to reduce air pollution, which can be even more difficult to reduce acid rain, mainly because it is caused by how strong the air pollution is. 

One thought on “Cutting ammonia pollution may lead to more acid rain in China.

  1. Given that China has reduced its carbon footprint 73% in the last 35 years, do you think that their precedent of domestically passing environmentally friendly legislature will allow them to pass this plan? Or do you think that they will instead not do it because of economic gain?

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