Egypt launches the environmental festival to promote ecotourism

Xinhuanet. (2019, August 23) Egypt launches the environmental to promote ecotourism. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from


Egypt is planning a three-day festival ecotourism festival that will hopefully provide the local environmental organizations with a large amount of funding. The festival is to be held in Cairo.  The festival itself will serve as a tourist destination, increasing local profits. Ultimately the purpose is to educate not only international travelers, but locals as well, about Egypt’s history, culture, and environmental situation. There are many people from the local nature reserves who will be participating in the festival. 


This story is another example of the wonders of ecotourism. In this example, the festival will serve as a way in which to bring people together, fund environmental projects and educate the general public about both Egypt’s and the world’s current environmental standing. I particularly liked all of the images in the article. They all incorporated aspects of what made this festival so special and interesting.  However, the pictures seem to pain the festival as more of a market. 

2 thoughts on “Egypt launches the environmental festival to promote ecotourism

  1. This festival they are planning sounds like a great way to educate more people about environmental projects. I do understand that after planning this event there has got to be some way to get their moneys worth but it should also not be their main outcome from this event. What do you think would be a better way for the people to interect with the environment during this festival?

  2. This Kind of creativity surrounding the environment is what is going to make change in the world. unfortunately most people need incentive to learn or be educated about what is going on. This is an awesome way to make the environment a priority in a fun way. Hopefully other places will start to do similar projects.

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