Climate Change’s Effect on California Fires

Andrew Buncombe (2019, November 02). California wildfires: Climate change driving ‘horror and the terror’ of devastating blazes, says scientists. Retrieved November 6, 2019, from 

The effects of climate change on California has had a major on all of California, but particularly, California wildfires. Since climate change has caused the climate in California to be warmer, drier, and have more evaporation, it is also causing wildfires to become more severe and spread much quicker. This trend in fire severity is expected to continue unless something is done to combat climate change. Many California citizens are becoming angry at the government for not taking further action to prevent these terrible fires.

This article makes me feel a little scared, and very upset. I am uneasy because I do reside in California and after reading so much about the severity and impact fires will have in the future if climate change continues progressing like it is right now, it sounds like California will become a pretty unsafe place, especially during fire season because of the terrible impact these fires have already, and will even more so. I also think that more action needs to be taken on a governmental level to prevent these fires, but also as California citizens I think we also need to stop contributing to climate change. It is no surprise that the way many people live in California is not sustainable, which definitely contributes heavily to climate change. I think many people need to adopt new lifestyles in order to help reduce climate change, while the government also needs to do something more large scale.

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