E.P.A. Weakens Rules Governing Toxic Water Pollution From Coal Plants.

The New York Times. (2019, November 4). E.P.A. Weakens Rules Governing Toxic Water Pollution From Coal Plants. Retrieved November 11, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/04/climate/coal-ash-water-pollution-trump.html


This article describes change in regulations in America dealing with toxic water pollution that comes from coal plants. In the Trump administration the EPA has reduced or eliminated many laws that require coal plants to dispose of their toxic waste in ways that would not pollute the environment. The government says these rules need to be changed because they cost the power plants too much money and makes it hard for them to stay in business. One of the changes is to allow coal plants to continue to dump waste into ash pounds that do not have any lining. The government says this will save the power plants 175 million dollars per year, but without the regulations it makes it more likely that the toxic waste will get into the drinking water. Because most people living near these plants are poor and usually people of color they will be affected by a greater amount. 


This article connects to Environmental Science because it shows the debate between protecting the Environment and making money. By reducing the regulations the coal companies can save money, but it comes at the cost of harming the environment. This article also shows that pollution usually affects the poor more than other groups, because poorer families often have to live in less healthy environments. It also shows the importance of studying the effects of pollution so that organizations can push back against companies that are more interested in how much money they make rather than how clean the environment is. It’s interesting to read that the EPA is proud of the money the coal plants will save every year, but doesn’t mention the harmful effects of getting rid of these rules will have on the Environment.


2 thoughts on “E.P.A. Weakens Rules Governing Toxic Water Pollution From Coal Plants.

  1. In my opinion, the reduction or elimination of laws put in place to SAVE our environment is upsetting and unethical! I think you are completely correct that without regulations for coal plants, there is an issue of harming the environment, and harming humans. This is a great example of environmental injustice targeted at people of lower socioeconomic status. Getting rid of these regulations, while arranged to save money for large businesses, will have harmful effects on everyone! Do you know what people are doing to protest these governmental decisions?

  2. This seems very backwards to me. I do not agree with the elimination of laws that were put in place to help protect our environment. This is the opposite direction that I think we should be moving in. Who in the government is fighting for these regulations?

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