Doubt on Carbon Capture

Stanford University. (2019, October 25). Study casts doubt on carbon capture. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 11, 2019 from 


According to new research, current approaches to carbon capture can increase air pollution and are not efficient at reducing carbon in the atmosphere. One proposed method for reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere,  and reducing the risk of climate change, is to capture carbon from the air or prevent it from getting there in the first place. Research done by Mark Z. Jacobson at Stanford University claim that there are more harmful effects than positive effects in these methods. 


After 20 years of studying this topic, Jacobson found that due to the amount of fossil fuels it takes to operate the carbon capture systems only capture about 10 percent of the amount of carbon they release. He also found that there was a rise in risk of health problems through these systems, as well as a higher economic cost. Jacobson concluded that the best solution to the issue was to use renewable electricity such as wind or solar energy. I found it interesting that Jacobson was able to give an actual better solution. Many articles talk about certain issues but don’t give clear solutions to deal with the situations.   


One thought on “Doubt on Carbon Capture

  1. I agree with you that wind and solar sound like better solutions. If that’s so, why haven’t there been more wind and solar plants?

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