San Diego Could Undermine the State’s Plan to Rein in Greenhouse Gases

Smith, J. E. (2019, November 11). California says San Diego County could undermine the state’s landmark plan to rein in greenhouse gases. Retrieved from


The Sierra Club, the Center of Biological Diversity, the Climate Action Campaign, and the Cleveland National Forest Foundation have spearheaded the legal challenge this past year over San Diego’s plan to approve new housing units in wildfire-prone areas. Attorney General Xavier Becerra also warned against this plan and that it goes against California’s plan to reduce global-warming emissions. Whatever happens with the court decision could have a major impact on the fight against climate change in California. 


This article shows that even though California as a whole is very forward-thinking in terms of environmental change, there is still work to be done in the state. It is very interesting that San Diego would want to directly challenge California’s initiative, and that it is actually such a big deal that many different organizations have rallied together to get justice. I think it is wonderful that so many organizations have come together to fight, however, I do think it is sad that it is needed especially when California has generally been so good on this front. 

One thought on “San Diego Could Undermine the State’s Plan to Rein in Greenhouse Gases

  1. This was extremely interesting. I had the exact same first impression as you did. Do you think people are actually going to buy the new homes?

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