Ebrahimji, A. (2019, October 10). California bans travel-size plastic shampoo bottles from hotels. Retrieved November 18, 2019, from https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/shampoo-plastic-bottles-ban-trnd/index.html.

In the following article, the author describes a new bill that California governor Gavin Newsom signed banning hotels from supplying travel size bottles in an effort to reduce the number of plastics being thrown away by hotels and guest. The bill will take effect in 2023 and applies to hotels with over 50 rooms. There are fines associated with violations of the bill in order to incentivize establishments to comply. In light of this act, Marriott International announced that it would replace individualized soaps and shampoos with bulk dispensers in its showers which is estimated to save about 250 pounds of plastics per year for a single 140 room hotel, roughly equivalent to 23,000 plastic bottles. 


This article is a great example of how the government can make a huge impact when it comes to the health of our environment. There are hotels everywhere in California that utilize small plastic bottles for toiletries and by banning them from using these will reduce the amount of plastic significantly. These items are incredibly wasteful and by banning them not only will reduce the amount of plastic in the world, but will also reduce the resources used to produce these products. I think this is a huge step in the right direction for our state to become more environmentally friendly and reduce plastic waste.

2 thoughts on “Ebrahimji, A. (2019, October 10). California bans travel-size plastic shampoo bottles from hotels. Retrieved November 18, 2019, from https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/shampoo-plastic-bottles-ban-trnd/index.html.

  1. I agree with you Chris. CA has it’s issues, but I’m often proud that they are taking steps like this. As a huge economic force, it can change the market. Did the article say what hotels will do instead? I assume people won’t stop washing their hair at hotels. Do you think other states will follow suit?

    • Yes. The article talked about hotels using fixed dispensers in showers which would cut down significantly on plastic waste. I think this is a really simple solution with major beneficial impacts, so yes, I think other states will follow suit.

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