Effect of Air Pollution on Students

University of California – Davis. (2019, November 5). Are students getting enough air? Many California classrooms don’t have sufficient ventilation. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 6, 2020 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/11/191105152650.htm 


Approximately 85 percent of HVAC systems installed recently into K-12 classrooms in California have been found to not provide adequate ventilation according to a study done by UC Davis. 104 classrooms in 11 different schools were visited for this investigation. The improper installment of any air conditioning system can cause damage to student health and learning. These systems help air out indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde. This toxin comes from building materials, finishes, and furniture. 


There are certain rules and expectations for ventilation systems, which require for there to be a balance between indoor air quality and energy efficiency. These rules have been set by ASHRAE, a global professional society which creates standards for building property. Their standards are similar to that of the 2016 building energy efficiency standards put into place in California, called Title 24. Each classroom is required to have a ventilation system that functions at a rate of 15 cubic feet per minute per person. Without these systems, the classrooms have higher temperatures which led to 60% of students calling it an extreme distraction. From this article, I was really satisfied with how they included solutions to help prevent ventilation issues. 


3 thoughts on “Effect of Air Pollution on Students

  1. The best part is that if you think of our classroom in S-9, it has this advanced ventilation system the article mentions. But if 85% of ventilation systems tested aren’t working, that is cause for alarm. What do you think should be done, considering redoing the ventilation is probably cost prohibitive on older classrooms?

    • Although it is very costly, I think it is worth it to have a complete replacement of all of the ventilation systems that are not functioning correctly.

  2. I appreciate your good work on your topic, and you sharing it with our class. Hope you found it interesting to follow Toma.

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