Should California classify nuclear power as renewable?

Nikolewski, R. (2020, March 3). Should California classify nuclear power as renewable? Retrieved from


The California standard has been updated currently calling for 60 percent of California’s electricity to come from renewables by 2030 and 100 percent from carbon-free sources by 2045. We are not on track for these goals without the use of some other energy source, but nuclear could be the answer. Nuclear power is still not on the portfolio of renewables and California’s only plant (Diablo Canyon) is expected to stop producing power by 2025 with no other plant to replace it. This could change though if a bill is accepted that lists nuclear as a renewable allowing for more funding. PG&E owns the plant and says that they are closing it out of the interest of the people who are moving to other clean renewable ways and aren’t interested in nuclear in the slightest.

Californians have very strong opinions about a lot of things and I think I would be lying if I said they weren’t biased. Major catastrophic shutdowns have been pasted all over news sites and media without much knowledge to go along with it; for instance the HBO Chernobyl show which greatly increased the threat for the shows plot and dramatic effect. Nuclear power is more essential than people realize, and we are only making it harder on ourselves by not listing it as renewable. If it were listed as such, then private investors could come in and further develop the tech which has crazy potential. 


4 thoughts on “Should California classify nuclear power as renewable?

  1. I think that nuclear power needs to be seriously considered as a worldwide solution to our energy crisis. Especially in California, we blow the possible risks of using nuclear energy out of proportion because of a few accidents. The only risks we run with nuclear are if the facilities are not managed properly, with safety precautions in place the risk is lower even than some other renewable energy sources. It has become more of a political issue, when it is really environmental, and many Democrats oppose it simply because Republicans support it, even though it would actually help their agenda.

    • Completely true. Nuclear power got swooped out of the renewables list and made into a political argument. We need to look at this neutrally and see that it is a real possibility, and we can invest our time/money into a solution that stands a chance against fossil fuels.

  2. I agree that nuclear power should be implemented worldwide and at scale. Renewables today do not cover enough energy demand and need some sort of easily dispensable energy like nuclear.

    • Completely true! Nuclear power can help push renewables in front of fossil fuels (in terms of energy production)! Thank you for reading !

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