Trump Weakens the Nation’s Clean Water Efforts

Wood, C., O’mara, C., & Hall, D. (2020, February 10). Trump Weakens the Nation’s Clean Water Efforts. Retrieved September 04, 2020, from

An article published by the New York Times called “Trump weakens the nation’s clean water efforts” they inform us about the recent reform of the Clean Water Act. Which was previously protecting all of the US’s streams and wetlands. The severity of this problem is drastic, as 6,000,000 miles in streams will no longer be protected. Making them extremely prone to permanent pollution. Additionally these areas will no longer be able to provide a healthy wildlife habitat. In Arizona for instance, they’re the home of the threatened Apache Trout. To begin with their streams are already extremely dry, although now they are no longer federally protected. Leaving them open to pollution that will likely never be taken care of. Or signs of damage will start to show far after their effects are reversible. They going to explain how many areas such as West Virginia, Virginia, in the Great Plains will no longer be protected under the Clean Water Act. Now when water is polluted cities downstream will have to pay to treat the drinking water, making consumption of polluted water a possibility.


This article’s relations environmental science starts with a reform of the Clean Water Act. Previously these streams and wetlands we’re healthy ecosystems for wildlife to thrive. Or even a closed area where researchers can do work in the field of ES. Although now many of these water sources will forever be tainted, and unusable for research consumption. In conclusion the reform of the Clean Water Act is a direct attack on environmental science. As the Trump administration is dissing our need for clean water, and research of nearby natural systems. 


One thought on “Trump Weakens the Nation’s Clean Water Efforts

  1. I agree. The weakening if the water attack was a direct attack on environmental science. Since this just happened at the beginning of the year, there may be more acts like this that reverse all of the many years of trying to help restore ecosystems. At the very least, this will allow people to continue to ignore climate change and the damage that we as a species have placed on many ecosystems.

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