Biden and Harris Win Widely Approved by Biofuel Companies

Voegele, E. (2020, November 9). Biofuel groups congratulate Biden and Harris. Biodiesel Magazine. Retrieved November 18, 2020, from 

The author clearly supports the biofuel industry and gave heavy support for Biden winning the presidency. Biden has already endorsed multiple organizations that are working to decrease the use of regular gasoline and move towards better options like ethanol biofuel. The author hopes to see that in Biden’s presidency he forces the nation to take a step away from crude oil and switch over to biofuel which has much lower transportation carbon emissions. According to the author, biofuels are the most economically viable alternative to gasoline, and the key to a greener future.


Personally, I thought that the author brought up some great points. I would definitely be happy to see the U.S. take a step away from traditional gasoline and increase biofuel usage. It is great that Biden has been elected because he accepts global warming as a real issue, and plans on implementing policies that decrease regular oil usage. However, I think that the only way I will truly support biofuel usage is if the fuel isn’t being derived from corn. It is clear that not all plant-based biofuels are healthy for the environment, and if we are trying to create a greener future it will be essential to support biofuels derived from plants proven to have fewer external costs.

2 thoughts on “Biden and Harris Win Widely Approved by Biofuel Companies

  1. I agree that this is a great step in the right direction by switching from gasoline to biofuel. Although the switch should have happened earlier, at least it finally did happen. I also agree that if we are using biofuel, it should have little external costs in order to keep our planet healthy. Do you think that this type of fuel will be reliable in future years?

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I think it could be reliable but it also depends on what we use to produce the fuel. A lot of it will come down to that. Personally, I believe it should not completely dominate energy in the future because there are much more sustainable and renewable options.

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