Bayview Hunters Point Says: WE CAN’T BREATHE! Protest

Greenaction Team. “Bayview Hunters Point Says: WE CAN’T BREATHE! Protest.” Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, 10 Aug. 2020, 

This is a flyer from a group based in San Francisco called “Greenaction”, they are a group that mobilizes community power to change corporate and government policies that help promote environmental, social and economic justice and to help protect the health of marginalized communities. This is an organized socially distant protest at Bayview Hunters Point on August 25 to “stop environmental racism”, specifically pollution and displacement, cleaning up toxic and radioactive waste at the Shipyard in Hunters point and other contaminated areas in the Bay Area, and lastly to stop upscale developments that would directly impact people of color.


I think that we live in an entitled bubble where we think that a lot of this stuff we hear on the news could never affect us, like radioactive waste being dumped in San Francisco. That is something that I never thought of, I thought that “we were better” than that, and that is why I think this group of activists is so important. They are bringing awareness to the injustices that are happening to the environment where we have grown up in, and showing the government that the people are serious and will force better laws to be made to help the future.

One thought on “Bayview Hunters Point Says: WE CAN’T BREATHE! Protest

  1. I agree that most of don’t realize the injustice that is all around us from our environment, but also from many other factors. Since most of us are fortunate enough to live in neighborhoods not affected by pollution and displacement, it easy for us to become unaware of the battles that communities all around us are facing against environmental law and regulation. Raising awareness is the best thing we can do to advocate for a change in this behavior and environmental law to support that change. Have you ever been to an environmental protest before or anything like it? Or what actions can people take besides protesting to advocate for change?

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