SirajPower’s solar portfolio continues to grow in the UAE

Weetch, Bella. Energy Global. (2021, February 8). SirajPower’s solar portfolio continues to grow in the UAE. Retrieved February 12, 2020, from

SirajPower, the largest solar energy company in UAE, has doubled its assets in 2020 alone. They currently have about 180 facilities and displace 65,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the country. This upcoming year, the company plans to provide new green technologies like battery storage. This company has also been backed by many green investment groups and continues to expand in the country with practical, cost-effective solutions for UAE citizens.

This is very positive news for solar energy and emphasizes the continued movement towards greener energy solutions worldwide. The UAE is an oil-rich country that makes a lot of money from selling oil to other countries. However, even in this country the growth of renewables has continued to grow rapidly and is ever-expanding. It is relieving to me to see other countries expanding their renewable technology at such a fast and affordable rate as well. You rarely see news about the expansion of this technology outside of the Western world and especially in the Middle East, so knowing that these countries have made strides towards a cleaner power grid is hopeful. It makes me hopeful not only about the expansion of renewable energy in the UAE but in all of the Middle East.

5 thoughts on “SirajPower’s solar portfolio continues to grow in the UAE

  1. I also see this as very relieving and hopeful. Renewable energy is our future because we cannot continue on burning fossil fuels as we are right now. The more people see this fact and make the steps towards the big global change, the better. I wonder if any other middle eastern countries have adopted renewable energy systems?

  2. I agree this is great news and I hope other companies worldwide follow in their footsteps of using clean energy and finding solutions. Do you believe other companies will start doing the same?

  3. Seeing SarajPower double their solar assets sets them on a great path for the future, especially as they are a big contributor in the oil ring, as well as stepping up and becoming a leader in the Middle East in renewable energy’s. As you mentioned with there being not much news outside of the western world with this sort of technology, are there other countries that are also making a big push?

  4. This is incredibly auspicious news. If countries who are incredibly oil and fossil fuel dependent are willing to attempt a switch to renewable energy, other countries will follow their lead. How do the governments of these countries feel about the switch to solar?

  5. I like how you addressed and wrote about a positive article. If similar positive trends are upheld, then maybe a greener future is not so far away. DO Western countries have similar developments?

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