California environmental Officials switch to offense as BIDEN takes charge

KQED Science. (2021, February 01). California environmental Officials switch to offense as BIDEN takes charge. Retrieved February 24, 2021, from


California has been battling with the federal government over the course of the Trump administration regarding climate policy. California’s attempts to set its own car emissions standards among other policies was blocked by the federal government, but now with a new administration willing to work with California, it might be put back in place. Furthermore cancelling of extracting oil and natural gas on federal lands located within California will lead to less pollution harming Californians. California will be more free to pursue climate change mitigation policies and environmental justice policies that lift the burden of climate change on the disadvantaged. 


I am pleased with these developments as it makes it easier for California to fight climate change when they have the support of the federal government, rather than forced to oppose them. It opens up the possibility to reinstate former emission mitigation strategies such as clean car standards, but also to go further, and phase out fossil fuels entirely, and cap-and-trade reform. I am also pleased with the specific concerns regarding California climate justice advocates, a community often neglected by governments as their demands are difficult to accommodate, if absolutely necessary. Accounting for climate science is very important and will be easier when having to work with officials in the federal government that believe in science. These policies that will be implemented will benefit the disadvantaged in California that are harmed the most by pollution and the damage associated with climate change, whether by reducing air pollution or forest management that curbs deadly fires.

2 thoughts on “California environmental Officials switch to offense as BIDEN takes charge

  1. I am also hopeful with these new developments although I’m interested to see how the administration after Biden will handle climate change and Co2 emissions.

  2. It is great to see that our government is cooperating with California to positively benefit our environment but you think that other states will follow California’s lead?

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