The world’s greatest drinking water

Heller, M., & Salzman, J. (2021, March 04). The world’s greatest drinking water. Retrieved March 09, 2021, from


Earlier this year new york faced a threat to what is known as the best drinking water. Their city is well known for their great tasting tap. Despite many peoples beliefs that faucet water is unhealthy, they have maintained their clean water standards until this year. Before, the city had laid pipes from the catskill mountains all the way to city grounds where pristine spring water is available to all. But due to increased fertilizer use, amongst other things their reputation came under threat. Most thought that there would be a new purifying plant needed in order to stop this problem from further effecting citizens, but the mayor of New York had better plans in mind. Instead of spending millions of dollars on a new structure, he devised a proposal to restore the upstreams natural landscape. One quote I found to be influential to my view of this idea was, “a good environment will produce good water.” I have always admired our earth for being able to fully function without the need of extra human interaction. Although we have permanently destroyed its natural state that it once had, clean water is still one aspect that hasn’t changed. Animals continue to consume lake, and stream water without health complication. Giving way to the idea that a functioning ecosystem will produce the right material for its inhabitants to survive. Overall, I found this to be an interesting approach to a delicate problem. Which could have detriment to many if not handled correctly. In the end, this was the right approach. Mayor appleton was able to restore their tap to what it once and always will be. 


This article highlights one of the biggest threats to water, run off. When water comes down from the mountain, it takes everything with it. If fertilizer even graces the presence of that water, it is a whole lot more dangerous to be drinking. Which shows the articles relation to ES. Through keeping the natural state of the ecosystems water refinement, we have jumped into the study of the environment. 

3 thoughts on “The world’s greatest drinking water

  1. I think it is very impressive that NY had such clean water, despite its reputation for being a generally dirty city. I agree with the importance being placed that there needs to be a more conscientious effort on keeping cleanliness around these water pipes. This could be by securing the area around and preventing human trespassing. What do you think is the best way to regulate the contaminants that may enter this water?

  2. I would never think that New York had good tap water I would assume it would be similar to most cities like in Sacramento which in my experience hasn’t been that good. I also agree that there need to be more ways to keep the water pipes clean for those who use the tap water and that drink it to continue to do so.

  3. I didnt understand that New York had extraordinary fixture water it would be similar to most metropolitan regions like in Sacramento which apparently hasn’t been great. I also agree that there should be more approaches to keeping the water pipes clean for people who use the fixture water and that drink it to continue to drink it.

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