How Climate Change May Affect Your Health

Brody, Jane E. (2021, February 1). How Climate Change May Affect Your Health. Retrieved August 15, 2021, from

Many people only see how the consequences of climate change impact others and their own environment, when it can endanger everyone’s health. As the planet is warming, heat waves, droughts, wildfires, warmer oceans, and much more are increasing the risk of sicknesses. Strong links have been found between high air pollution and dementia. Other illnesses, such as asthma and respiratory allergies, are also threatening. Warm weather also raises infectious diseases carried by vectors like ticks and mosquitoes. Global warming endangers the safety of food with food poisoning and contamination, which opens up an even bigger variety of diseases to humans.

The article explains the threat climate change poses on the environment and how this shift in the environment affects our own health through diseases and sicknesses. I think this article could benefit our world and our own health greatly by informing people of the changes they can make to help. I feel pressured to change my light bulbs to solar panels as they rely on non polluting renewable energy and drive less. If everyone made these simple changes, our climate change would decrease and health would improve.




2 thoughts on “How Climate Change May Affect Your Health

  1. I agree that this topic needs to be shared with the world in order to stop climate change from increasing and ruining our health. Do you think there are ways we can keep ourselves healthy even throughout the environmental changes or is stopping global warming our only hope?

    • There are many causes of diseases and harm on our health other than global warming. I think that by looking at these we can find other ways to stay healthier than just solving global warming, however, global warming is a big issue and many disease causes tie into it. I think that working to stop global warming is important, but we can also look at other things along with it. Thank you for reading my post and your comments!

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