Changes to California Solar market

Anderson, E. (2021, June 5). Changes to california solar market are dead for now. KPBS Public Media.



This article spoke about a new law that was proposed. This law would have changed the monthly grid access. This means that customers with Solar systems would be forced to pay fees of $50 to $80 per month. The author of this proposition, Lorena Gonzalez says that the laws are unfair towards non-solar owners, who have to pay more for their electricity. She thinks that solar will never work out for some people and that these people are left out. In the end, the bill was not passed and Tara Hammond says that it is crucial for propositions like this not to go through.


I think that it is great that this bill didn’t get passed, but definitely a warning sign. If more bills like this are passed, it would be less incentive for the population of California to get solar panels. This bill that was supposed to get passed would have probably led to a significant decrease in renewable energy. I personally also might want to get involved, because this seems like a major factor in our future of improving our environment. 

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