Local Study on Problems With Fishing Management



The UCSC article explains the flaws in fishery assumptions that harm the productivity of the fisheries and therefore the health of the species. Long story short, due to previous unreliable studies fisheries have made the assumption that all fish will reproduce and produce the same number and health of offspring. Some fisheries even target the younger females. However according to new studies larger and more mature females are more likely to produce higher quality and numbers of offspring. 

This study shows a different side of management including its flaws. It also shows the importance of environmental scientists in their roles to provide quality results in studies that can make a difference for the success of fisheries and other things on the economic side, along with the success of a given species health.

4 thoughts on “Local Study on Problems With Fishing Management

  1. I agree that there are flaws that are affecting the ocean environment because of these studies and fisheries. I think by spending more time on these studies fisheries can’t take advantage of the lackluster studies. Do you think fisheries want to keep these studies minimal so they can benefit?

    • Thanks for the comment. No I don’t think the fisheries are doing this intentionally. In the end they don’t really benifit in any way it’s just misinformation that threw them the wrong way.

  2. I think that it is very important these flaws in the fishery system are being recognized. The health of a species should be prioritized over profit. How do you think we can implement friendly policies in fisheries?

    • Thanks for the comment, I think the best way to avoid this sort of situation is to improve the study of environmental science, if we get one study wrong it can make negative impacts on the decisions fisherman make.

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