Natural GAS & Fracking

Egan, Matt. “No, Joe Biden Didn’t Just Ban Fracking.” CNN, Cable News Network, 27 Jan. 2021, 

Joe Biden is taking slight measures to lower the oil and and gas production and many people are upset that he is not upholding the promise of doing everything in his power to drastically lower the production rate. As Biden attempts to slow the rate of the gas and fracking production, many companies whom which produce gasses are attempting to retaliate and fight back so they can continue making large profits. Biden is also putting restrictions to help limit the fracking production rate which can drastically help the environment if the limits are strict and efficient. The issue with the restrictions is the fracking factories fighting back in attempts to exploit their business and profits that they can produce.


I agree with Biden on the limits as long as all companies uphold their part. I somehow doubt that all companies will agree to limitations, and will likely lead into a debate on wether or not limitations should be set. Limitations will also put gas prices high which will likely put many people in sour moods, but overall, the world and ecosystems will continue to improve and some of the damage caused  by humans may be reversible.

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