Wind Farms off Pacific Coast

Lederman, J. (2021, May 25). Biden admin, California agree to bring offshore wind farms to Pacific coast.


On tuesday May 25th, the Biden administration announced that they were going to invest in Wind turbines off the coast of California. The Biden administration, working with Gavin Newsom, aims to bring wind power to the west coast. This project can potentially produce  up to 4.6 gigawatts of renewable energy, powering as many as 1.6 million homes. Although this seems great, there are many challenges that come with this project, especially with the deep floor off the coast. 

I think that this is perfect, and a step in the right direction. Investing in other types of renewable energy is definitely needed for California, as the solar energy isn’t perfect yet. If California continues to move in this direction, we could potentially see 100% renewable energy. My only concern is that I’m not sure if this project will go through. The pacific ocean gets very deep at some points even 30,000 feet. I hope that this won’t prevent the wind turbine building, but seeing how much the government is investing, I think that they will be built. 

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