Adopt-a-Topic: Air Pollution Phase: California

Raj P. Fadadu, MS. (2021, June 1) “Association of WILDFIRE Air Pollution and Health Care Use FOR Atopic Dermatitis and Itch.” JAMA Dermatology, JAMA Network. Retrieved August 17, 2021 from 


Many believe that air pollution and poor air quality is the cause for many skin issues amongst us. This study shows that the short-term exposure to poor air quality from wildfire has caused a large outbreak in skin conditions and overall skin health. The relation between the two is still not certain, but many believe that this skin health is yet another issue that the poor air quality is causing us. The California Camp Fires caused over 8000 dermatology and hospital visits near the San Francisco area. This definitely shows the damages the atmosphere can have on us, and doctors hope to get a better understanding of what the air can really do to our skin.


As talked about before, skin health is another worry for us surrounding what the poor air quality can really do to us. More and more studies are coming out with common health issues being caused or worsened from air pollution. As I stated before, this is just the start and soon the pollution will begin to weaken our immune and bodily systems, and make us a more ill species in general. As humans naturally adapt, doctors and medicine can only do so much because we cannot compete with the detrimental effects our environment is slowly but surely having on us. Overall, we only have one earth and one environment to take care of. So as we continue to treat them horribly, they are not afraid to give us our own medicine right back. From California wildfires, to just man-made pollution, humans will begin to feel the wrath of nature and our environment.

2 thoughts on “Adopt-a-Topic: Air Pollution Phase: California

  1. It is super interesting that many skin issues can be a result of air pollution. I agree with the idea that by treating the Earth poorly, we end up treating ourselves poorly. How important do you think it is to work on de-polluting the air in order to prevent certain skin issues?

    • I was surprised to learn of the correlation between skin health and wildfires, and think it definitly overlooked when considering the impact of air pollution. Do you know if there are any ways doctors and dermatologists are working to mitigate the damages caused by the fires?

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