Argentina Government Advances Plans to Build Two New Nuclear Power Plants

Stemphelet, A. (2021, August 22). Government advances plans to build two new nuclear power plants. Buenos Aires Times. 

After joining the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016, Argentina is in need of reducing its carbon emissions to comply with this accord. In response, the country is advancing with two new nuclear power plants, which is estimated to translate into thousands of jobs while doubling energy output for the next decade. It will take approximately eight years for the first nuclear plant to be constructed, as negotiations between China and Canada have not been completed. China is helping to fund the first of Argentina’s nuclear power plants, while Canada is aiding with the second. The construction is estimated to begin in 2022, and if all goes well should be functional in the next 7 years. 

Reading this article helped me to understand a few different aspects of our global efforts to fight climate change that I did not realize before. First off, this is the first story I have heard that talks about what smaller and less funded countries are doing to fight climate change. It is easy to look up stories about the U.S., China, and European countries that have been thriving for centuries and find out what they are doing to stop climate change. Places such as South America, Africa, and the Middle East have had seemingly less popularity when it comes to environmental issues, and it is interesting and comforting to know everyone is doing their part. Also, this article gave an in depth look on the process of building these power plants, and why they will take so long to build. Everyone talks about how we need to combat climate change now, when the reality is that some of the bigger steps we are trying to take will take some time. Building power plants is a long and intricate process, and although it will aid us greatly when they start working, it takes time to get to the point where we need to be. 


2 thoughts on “Argentina Government Advances Plans to Build Two New Nuclear Power Plants

  1. Maddie- I really appreciated your commentary on this one. Interesting to see China helping Argentina. Some in the US still have a big nuclear phobia, unfortunately. Hopefully some of these developing countries that have increasing energy demands can leapfrog over dirtier fuels, but they will need financial support in doing so. It is interesting Argentina can build this plant in 8 years. Would take way longer in the US because of so many regulations. Do you think that in developing countries they should more regulations to ensure safety… or should they be able get these cleaner power plants on line as quickly as possible? You’ve got a really important topic. The world is demanding more energy- how do we provide it cleanly?

    • Thank you for your comment! I wasn’t aware that it would be more difficult to get nuclear plants in America, but I think it’s really interesting and definitely something we need to consider when looking at going green. Globally, I think it could be smart to start creating plants in places that are more open to using nuclear power, but safety should come first, and accidents caused by nuclear plants would only give people more reason not to make the switch(therefore continuing to hurt our environment).

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