California Sues Walmart Over Disposal of Hazardous Waste

Thompson, D. (2021, December 20). California Sues Walmart Over Disposal of Hazardous 

Waste. Retrieved January 13, 2022, from

California prosecutors state that the retail empire, Walmart, illegally dumped more than 1 million batteries, aerosol cans of insect killer and other products, toxic cleaning supplies, electronic waste, latex pains, and other hazardous waste into California landfills each year. Walmart had similar allegations in the past, such as their lawsuit in 2010 in which Walmart paid $25 million to California, and agreed to stop dumping into local landfills. Another previous lawsuit took place in 2014, where the company pleaded guilty to 6 federal misdemeanors in 16 California counties, which was also part of an $81 million deal that included charges in Missouri. Walmart is known to illegally dispose of nearly 80 tons of electronic and hazardous waste each year.

I believe that California did well with the actions it performed. Their lawsuit with Walmart will help prevent further illegal dumpings, which will ultimately reduce the dangers of e-waste. Though, I still don’t understand why Walmart would continue their dumplings even after their multiple cases with California AND Missouri, as well as the hefty fines they had to pay. Walmart should not encourage these actions, since their company is powerful and influential. Maintaining clean landfills, rid of any e-waste is a vital aspect of environmental science and the illegal hazardous dumps destroy that. The last lawsuit between California and Walmart served great justice since Walmart paid for the damages they caused, and is not prohibited from ruining our environment again.

2 thoughts on “California Sues Walmart Over Disposal of Hazardous Waste

  1. I say throw the book at Walmart, right? This giant corporation needs to be held in check. There is really no excuse. So I agree with you, Vianca. Your follow up paragraph shows you have a grounded perspective on this. Later we will study landfills and you’ll learn that although they try and contain toxins, it’s very difficult. This mean Walmart is essentially polluting ground water when they violate the laws like this. E- waste is something we all create though… Walmart just got caught. What about all the consumers, like us, that throw old e-waste in the garbage. What do we do about that? It all of course adds up.

  2. Thank you for commenting! I believe there should be consequences for regular citizens who throw e-waste in the garbage. I believe a fine or a short jail sentence would discourage others from making the same mistake.

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