Wisconsin legislature backs wetlands restoration

Wisconsin legislature backs wetlands restoration. Leader. (2021, August 12). https://www.leadertelegram.com/country-today/outdoors/wisconsin-legislature-backs-wetlands-restoration/article_38636d5b-8cf5-5f3c-9ac4-3d4126199476.html. 

The state of Wisconsin has recently passed new legislation that will aid in the restoration of wetlands. About 5 million acres of wetlands in Wisconsin have been lost, so the legislation is much needed and will hopefully allow major state-wide restoration. The legislation gives permits and financial help to restore the wetlands of Wisconsin. Two years ago, legislation passed giving funding to Ashland County. This funding allowed for demonstration of the restoration and helped in the process of passing the newer legislation. 

The article described new legislation that was passed in Wisconsin that will directly benefit the restoration of wetlands. This legislation will allow more restoration that is much needed in a state that has lost almost 50% of it’s natural wetlands. My reaction to the article was surprising, because I did not expect large government to focus on the needs of the environment. Overall I was definitely pleased with the new legislation.

5 thoughts on “Wisconsin legislature backs wetlands restoration

  1. I agree with you and am also surprised as to how the government. I think this is a good sign for our environment and shows how when the government intervenes, the outcome can be much greater. Do you think that it is specific leaders or governors who are carrying all of the weight of trying to help the environment or is everyone working together to help?

    • Thanks for your comment, I’m not really sure if there is one or a few legilators that are focused on specifically on the environment.

  2. I find it really important that there is more legislature like this. In our current standpoint, restoration is vital to reverse. Wetlands provide biodiversity and environmental impacts that need to be maintained. This will hopefully only ripple into other ecosystems.

      • Thanks for your comment. I do believe that the approach of restoring wetlands can be applied in other areas and ecosustems. Hopefully we will see that in the future.

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