Biodiversity in Politics

Jones, B. (2021, May 20). Why the US won’t join the single most important treaty to protect nature. Vox. Retrieved February 11, 2022, from 

Joe Biden has ensured that biodiversity loss and climate change are a top priority for the United States. He has joined in on a goal to cut down on 30% of water and land consumption within the US in the next 9 years. While Joe Biden has restored policies such as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and other aspiring efforts to decrease carbon production, environmentalists question the logic behind why America has not participated in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). With an aim to maintain biodiversity, CBD has been ratified by almost every other country in the world, except a select few, including the United States. Previous leaders have claimed that indulging in the treaty would negatively affect the economy, but Biden springs a new hope for environmentalists.

While I understand why people are angry at the United States for not signing the international treaty, I find it reasonable that the US is afraid of how it could affect the economy. However, the problem lies when you come to find that the reasoning for denying the requests of the treaty is not logically justified. This article highlighted the selfishness of the United States when money gets involved in large matters. It is important to note that many of the previous presidents who denied CBD requests were Republican. Perhaps Joe Biden could break the pattern, and set the United States on a good path. Especially when the United States holds a lot of influence when it comes to climate change and biodiversity loss; joining CBD would greatly help.

4 thoughts on “Biodiversity in Politics

  1. I agree with a lot of what you said in the opinion paragraph. I feel like the US often opposes laws and treaties because they fear it may hurt the economy, but this is hard to justify when there are greater things at stake that can’t be built back.
    Out of curiousity, what were some of the other countries that also opposed the treaty?

    • Thank you! I’m pretty sure only FOUR countries did not agree to join in on CBD. The four countries are Andorra, Iraq, Somalia, and the USA. I also agree with your point on how the US economy can be built back up as opposed to something like the extinction of multiple species!

  2. I agree that when it comes to money the US will chose it over pretty much anything. Will the CBD make a difference if the US joins?

    • Appreciate the response! To answer your question, given that the United States is highly influential and big when it comes to agriculture, water consumption, and even carbon emissions, if they were to join CBD it would make a significant difference.

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