Article 1: Why Nuclear energy is on the Verge of a Renaissance

Article 1: “Why Nuclear Energy is on the Verge of a Renaissance” 


Citation: Clifford , C. (2022, June 7). Why nuclear energy is on the verge of a Renaissance. CNBC. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from 




This article is written by Catherine Clifford and is about how Nuclear Power has been feared by the American public and the world at large due to several incidents throughout the late 20th and early 21st century, and how with Nuclear energy’s ecological benefits through no Carbon emissions, it may experience a renaissance in the coming decades as global warming continually progresses into a dangerous level. Clifford states that due to nuclear energy’s obvious benefits and advancements since 2011, there should be a push to make nuclear power more viable through tax benefits for companies that switch to nuclear and other incentives. This along with new innovation such as thorium reactors and better safety protocols will make Nuclear Energy much safer. 




This article is relevant to Environmental Science because it describes modern nuclear reactors and disasters and how they have affected the several countries views on Nuclear Power’s viability and safety, and how new and improved safety protocol and advancements within the field of nuclear science allow for a much safer and more environmentally friendly future, as spent uranium may be much more concentrated and seem more deadly than CO2, the increases in natural disaster and famine are much more of a concern then the rods which will be sealed in places like Yucca Mountain. 

One thought on “Article 1: Why Nuclear energy is on the Verge of a Renaissance

  1. Luke- You’ve got one of my favorite topics. You are right to point out that there have been big advancements in nuclear, as well as the possibility of using other fuels like thorium. Do you think that there should then be a push to do what the article mentions, offer incentives for more nuclear projects?

    One formatting thing… in your abstract don’t start with, “This article… by so and so”. The reader can get that from the citation. Just start with the summary.

    Otherwise great post. I look forward to more from you. And by the way- you asked me who I’d like to meet from the past the other day. As much as I would love to spend some time with Jerry Garcia, I think meeting Jesus would be even more interesting. And Howard Zinn!

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