Tsui, K. (2022, July 13). World population to reach 8 billion by November even as growth slows. The Washington Post. Retrieved August 15, 2022, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/11/world-population-eight-billion/ 

The United Nations department of economic and social affairs projects that the world population will reach 8 billion by November fifteenth. The “World Population Prospects” report predicts that India will surpass China as the most heavily populated country in the world by 2023. Throughout the rest of the century, before declining, more countries are expected to have their population growth peak first. Also before the end of the century, Africa is predicted to be the only continent to experience population growth, with 13 of the 20 biggest urban populations expected to be based in Africa.

This article continues to show that the world’s population is still growing at rapid rates, as it has been for the last decades. However, the article sheds light on how Africa might be a sustainable urban environment to house many people in the future. I wonder what Africa will look like throughout the next couple decades and I am curious to see what benefits will be provided. The article talked about how India is projected to become the most populous country by 2023. This has to do with the large elderly population in China, and China’s one-child policy. I wonder if India does actually surpass China as the most populous country, how much it will be by. I also wonder what the total population will be in five, ten, or even fifty years from now will be soon as the rate of increase in population has been much less now than in the last couple decades.

2 thoughts on “

  1. You are posing some excellent questions, Andrew. You’ve got a super dynamic topic. So many env. issues would be issues if we had a few billion less people, right? 8 billion people within a few months… and what will happen in Africa, which will surely continue to grow despite declining rates elsewhere?

    What do you think, does the U.S. have an obligation to help Africa out with their pop issues? Or is it even in our best interest to invest in them not having runaway growth?

    Great first posts, Andrew.

    • Thank you for your response! You propose some great questions. I believe that US doesn’t have any obligation to help Africa out, yet I believe it is in our best interest to both gain profit and political relationships between other countries.

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