Perylasamy, A. P., & Tehrani-Bagha, A. (2022, May). A review on microplastic 

     emission from textile materials and its reduction techniques Retrieved August 28, 2022, from


A new source of environmental pollution called fiber fragments are produced through washing, drying and wearing of textile products. These fiber fragments can be ingested by wildlife, specifically aquatic life since most of this pollution is transferred through waste water coming from urban areas. Which then is dumped into the ocean at some point or another. This re-enters our food chain through consumption of these animals or drinking water. Plastics have increased from the production rate of 2 billion tons to 8.3 BMT. 


The overconsumption of plastics in fibers has greatly affected our environment. The microplastics are incorporated into food chains through consumption and do not benefit any organisms positively. There is risk of health and pollution into the water as I’m not sure if there has been a solution to sorting micro fibers and plastics out of fresh water. Especially since it may take hundreds of years for these plastics to decompose completely. As the consumption demand increases this will become a bigger and bigger issue for our environment and its safety. The bigger issue is that its hard to even avoid plastics at this point even if its not produced through the textile industry but they are incorporated into almost everything we use now. The danger can only increase from here. 

4 thoughts on “

  1. I agree with your stance in this post. Despite the danger of plastics being immeasurable and ever growing, how can we take a step in the direction of stopping this? What can we do to slow down the production of plastics, or has it already gone past the point of no return?

    • We can definitely avoid the production of plastic infused products by purchasing sustainable or green natural fabrics. Im not sure if its to a point past return yet but decreasing the responsibility it takes in water pollution is definitely a step forward.

  2. I agree with your argument in this post. Although many people argue against using plastic and it’s definitely possible to use less, it seems very hard to use no plastic in today’s world, although I hope that will change. Do you think we will be able to stop using plastic?

    • At this point the use of plastics are almost inevitable. I believe especially since they are already so incorporated into our natural systems they are at a point that there will be no way to remove them.

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