Meat Production

Lomas, N. (2022, September 6). Solar Foods wants to replace meat with a high-tech harvest. TechCrunch. Retrieved September 6, 2022, from 


 TechCrunch is harvesting edible calories from hydrogen-oxidizing microbes. With this, they plan to use these instead of real meat. They do this to lower the livestock meat production cost and protect the environment and the homes of animals. They predict that Solein, the product name “could solve 80% of the problem but 20% of the calories because mostly we are, on a calorie basis, eating carbohydrates.”  The product is overall 65% protein and has a mild taste. It takes the form of a yellow powder and can be added to any food item you eating or consuming. Their goal is to produce billions of nourishing meals without the “need to deforest huge swathes of land and slaughter masses of livestock.”


The whole point of this product is to save the environment and ecosystems living there. It is related to environmental science from animals, lands, and the climate heat and pollution from harvesting food. With this new product that TechCrunch has made 80% of the environmental problem that come from meat production have decreased with this chemically made solution called Solein. Personally, I think this option does impact the environment in a positive way by saving animals and natural resources. But referring to meat production this product is against the harvest or harming of popular meat producers, such as chiken, beef, and pork. Seeing as their trying to replace meat with a chemically made product that would give you nutrients and calories meat would.

4 thoughts on “Meat Production

  1. On the topic of harm to the meat industry, I think the environmental benefits of reduced meat production are worth the economic loss. Moreover, I doubt that so many people will switch to artificial meat to make a terrible impact, as people still enjoy some (real) beef and pork. I agree with your point that Solein is a positive, overall. With the amount of grass that just one cattle eats, we have to ask if the water and land usage is just worth it. This topic relates to environmental science because it discusses the harm of human consumption on our surroundings. Question: how many people do you think will purchase Solein?

    • I don’t have an exact number but you make great points on why harvesting meat is good for the environment. referring to land and water usage theirs a lot of environmental impacts with not harvesting animals. But to give an estimate on Solein, Id guesses a lot of people that are vegan would try it and exchange or add it to their protein consumption.

  2. I like the idea but getting rid of meat will not only hurt the economy but make some people unhappy. A lot of people around the world eat meat and probity won’t switch to a powder. Are there other alternatives to how ranching is done today?

    • well, today a lot of people’s protein comes from meat and people are trying to find another alternative to be sufficient enough to change from meat. I agree with your statement on how people will be upset but as of right now meat is still being harvested and produced. Thank you for your question.

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