Mining Fossil Fuels & Power Plants

NRDC. (2022, June 10). Fossil fuels-dirty facts. Retrieved August 28,2022 from 



For more than a century we have been using cheap and unsustainable fossil fuels with almost no regard. With humans using these types of resources it has caused long term and short term damages to our planet. Anywhere in the world but in this article mostly mention the U.S of the mount of vehicles that we have.  We have been using coal power plants and other fossil fuels such as natural gas which is a little less worse. And oil to power most or all of our vehicles used for transportation. With so many countries and people using these resources  on a daily basis it has caused air and water pollution which has made many marine ecosystems suffer from acidic levels in the oceans to high Co2 levels. This causes Marine shellfish to be harder to survive. 


In this article  it tells us some certain effects it has on wildlife.While these resources are needed the way we get them is not the best way. With heavy deforestation and land degradation has caused many habitats and ecosystems to be heavily populated or destroyed. This has made wild animals lose their homes and has caused them to migrate elsewhere. And has also destroyed breeding grounds which make a species have a harder time surviving. Also animals aren’t the only ones being affected as we are as more and more pollution is happening we are breathing more and more toxic fumes and also messing with some water supplies. So we must find ways to create a sustainable way and better tomorrow. 


2 thoughts on “Mining Fossil Fuels & Power Plants

  1. I agree with your statement that these ecosystems should not be destroyed. How do you plan on getting the energy we get from fossil fuels, what is a cost-effective source of energy.

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