Sustainable Shopping: Avoiding plastic, reducing waste

CBS Interactive. (2023, January 25). Sustainable shopping: Avoiding plastic, reducing waste. CBS News. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from 

California uses so much plastic daily, for water bottles, shopping, etc. Specifically in the bay area, fast fashion is a major contributor to plastic consumption and waste. In Highland Park, Joseph and Lauren Macrino set out to help this problem by creating a plastic-free store where shoppers can refill items using their own reusable containers. This zero-waste store, like others in California, are small steps to avoid single-use plastic and protect our environment. If these stores are not local to you, people are encouraged to cloth rags, reusable water bottles, and bar soap compared to the alternatives.

Overall, this article does a good job of highlighting small efforts to combat our plastic over consumption and how any person can help our environment by avoiding single-use plastic. This relates to environmental science by looking at smaller solutions to plastic use which would hurt our environment. I liked this article, although it is such a small step compared to our giant problem. I think if more stores like this one open up, it could make a pretty big impact on reducing plastic. However, my question is: What are we going to do with the plastic we have already made?

4 thoughts on “Sustainable Shopping: Avoiding plastic, reducing waste

  1. Its encouraging to see how there are lots of smaller efforts being made toward the flight against pollution and plastic in our environment. I wonder how we can make these types of efforts widespread throughout the country if maybe our government should begin subsidizing these types of stores/restaurants?

    • Hello, thanks for reading my response! Yes, I think it is important to spread these efforts, but it is up to the government and consumers to do their part.

  2. Good explanation! Interesting to hear about local solutions too major environmental problems around the world. Plastic is a significant issue amongst the United States, especially as you mentioned Fast Fashion exist prominently in the country. What are your thoughts on an alternative solution to reducing our plastic use?

    • Thank you for reading my post! I definitely think we need other solutions to reduce our plastic use because plastic-free stores are not enough.

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