New York Times. (Jan 20, 2023). What Will ‘Weather Whiplash’ Mean for California? Retrieved January 20, 2023, from 


This article focused more on climate change, but I believe it still goes under sustainable development because it is essential in reducing society’s impact on the earth. This article talks about the recent weather and how we have had tremendous amounts of rain here in California. However, we are not and were not prepared for that rain because the Californian society is desert-based (meaning our infrastructure and farmers are focused on things that will work in a place where there is little rainfall.) Additionally, the article talks about how our summers continue to become hotter, and our winter weather is becoming more severe; however, since the earth is heating up all year round. In the winter, the rain is not turning into snow; it’s just rain and more destructive. This is an issue because most of the water we use is stored with snow (the less snow, the less water we will have.) This continues the drought we have in California. With climate change not becoming better, things will continue to become worse. The article talks about how farmers need to find better sustainable practices using water with growing crops. The article also states that we are trying to implement sustainable ways (different infrastructures) to collect more rainfall. Ultimately the article wraps up by saying we need to find sustainable ways to protect California because the costs of these floods and droughts are tremendous.

We need to act fast because climate change will continue to get worse. We must find sustainable ways to build better infrastructure to catch more water so that we are not in a continuous state of drought and worry here in California. As it was stated at the end of the article, Gavin Newsom believes we must make difficult decisions, and I believe that is what needs to be done to save the earth. Additionally, our society needs to practice more sustainable lives. If people live more sustainably, climate change will become less of an issue, but we need to start now because climate change is becoming worse yearly. Societies need to start being more aware of how profound climate change is; people need to get educated. Ultianetlyvthis article made me scared. I’m shocked that we are still in the drought because of how our communities are built, and we might not be prepared for this next round of winter.

2 thoughts on “New York Times. (Jan 20, 2023). What Will ‘Weather Whiplash’ Mean for California? Retrieved January 20, 2023, from 

  1. Jamie- These certainly are interesting times. I don’t want your reporting on this to leave you in fear though. Maybe it could be a call to action. An urgent one. Humans are resilient and Californians can adjust. And it won’t be easy. But consider the business opportunities around making the shift. There is opportunity here. If you had Governor Newsom’s ear, what would you suggest he create policy around with regards to water availability for farmers?

    I appreciate all your good reporting this year, Jamie! Hoping your topic kept you interested.

  2. Thank you for reading! If I had Governor Newsom’s ear I would suggest he creates a strict policy for farmers regarding water maybe saying they can have x amount of water and if they go over the limit then the next water bill will be doubled so that farmers have an incentive to not waste water (not running water at the peak of the day for example).

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