The Decline of Nuclear Power in the EU

Statistics explained. Statistics Explained. (December 2022). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from

  The article has many sub parts, but the primary idea is that many countries in Europe have increased their production of nuclear energy. Furthermore, in the European Union alone, 25.4% of energy was produced by nuclear energy. However, the trend has decreased overall from the late 1900s with countries such as Germany having the sharpest decrease in nuclear energy production. This likely comes from public fears regarding nuclear catastrophes regarding nuclear power but it shows a differing view in Europe as to if nuclear power is a clean energy source that everyone is comfortable switching to meet climate goals. 

I found the trends in data to be interesting and its relation to environmental science. Countries such as Germany have had a near 60% decrease in nuclear power production and a massive increase in coal production. However, countries such as Romania have increased the production of nuclear energy. Though the article does not mention specific reasons as to why, it is a concern that many countries in the EU are slowing down their energy production from nuclear power plants, the concern was actually large enough for the EU to draft the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1214 in order to include nuclear power in its solutions to meet its decarbonization goals (this occurred in early 2022). The European Union is likely seeing effects of extreme weather (especially what occurred this recent winter in Europe with 2022 being the warmest year on record) and is attempting to steer the religion to produce cleaner energy. I agree with this approach as the world (not just Europe) ought to find fast solutions to our issue of emissions from energy production so that we can mitigate the effects of climate change from increased carbon in our atmosphere.

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