Gov. Newsom’s budget cuts jeopardize climate programs.

Lopez, Nadia. (2023, January 10). Environmentalists say Newsom’s budget cuts jeopardize climate programs, electric car mandate. Retrieved February 9, 2023, from

In the face of a $23 billion budget deficit for California, Governor Newsom proposed to cut $6 billion from a $54 billion climate package, making it a $48 billion package. The majority of the spending cuts take from clean transportation initiatives, including rebates for zero-emission car buyers, EV subsidies for those who cannot afford electric cars, and charging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities. Opponents of the budget cuts, including progressive climate lobbyists and state legislators, argue that the cuts indicate that the state is slowing its momentum at a time when it needs to push harder than ever for comprehensive environmental policy. Proponents of the budget cuts argue that the size of the bill is unprecedented, regardless of the $6 billion dollars cut from it. 

I think that the budget cuts are pragmatic; it is sensible to try and diminish a budget deficit, especially given the size of the bill. However, the budget cuts mean that the bill will forgo necessary policy and infrastructure. This exclusion will disproportionately harm people and existing programs, despite the relatively small budget cuts. This relates to environmental science because it is about environmental policy to fund the fruits of environmental science, research, and invention.  


2 thoughts on “Gov. Newsom’s budget cuts jeopardize climate programs.

  1. Interesting post! I am quite on the fence about how I feel about this because, while the bill already contains a massive amount of money, it is still a great amount of money that could be going to bettering the environment. Why is he taking away from the initial package? In what areas would the cut affect?

    • Thanks for the comment! The bill is losing money for practical reasons (budget deficit, limiting spending), and the cuts will affect clean transportation initiatives, including rebates for zero-emission car buyers, EV subsidies for those who cannot afford electric cars, and charging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities, among other things.

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