California Needs to Do More for Sustainable Fashion

Assoune, Alex. “California Needs to Do More for Sustainable Fashion.” Panaprium, Panaprium, 16 Oct. 2020, 

A lot of brands that strive for sustainability are located in California. Like North Face, Patagonia, and Reformation. These places are working towards sustainability, and making huge setbacks regarding emissions and waste. California is the first state to ban fur trade and fight animal cruelty in the fashion industry. A fur ban is the right step in the right direction but they fail to include many other animals that are taken advantage of in this industry and used for their features. 

Products that are put on the market like leather and wool are not banned throughout states and countries. The slaughter of these animals to be used for textiles deeply affects our environment in a negative way. All these animals serve a specific purpose within their own habitat making it harmful for them to be retracted from that place. Sometimes leading to extinction for their kind which is the worst possible scenario for them. Sheep, pigs, cows, calves, goats, and buffalos die everyday to make non luxury items made out of leather and wool. Yet nobody seems to pay attention or notice that injustice. The production of these types of textiles emits great amounts of waste. This is only important in California because this industry is the second biggest polluter. Making it very crucial in my opinion that there is a strict reduction on wool and leather products in this area. Once California takes this second step hopefully other states and countries will as well.

3 thoughts on “California Needs to Do More for Sustainable Fashion

  1. I think it is very important to acknowledge the brands that protect animals however it is simply not enough. Stricter laws need to be in place in order to reach sustainability and save animals. Additionally, I think as companies turn to more sustainable options, it is up to the consumers to make the switch. How long do you think it will take for all companies stop polluting our air with greenhouse gases?

  2. I agree with your sentiments that more needs to be done to advocate for the rights and justice for these animals. I am interested in how these textiles specifically create a large amount of waste. Is the waste created by these textiles unused animal parts, or is it more on the factories end?

  3. I agree that what the fashion industry is doing to the environment is bad. I think we need to go one step further than creating laws banning fur trading. I think in order tor real change we need to bring more awareness to the issue so people don’t only understand why what they are doing may be legally wrong but why what they are doing is also ethically wrong. What kind of laws would you implement?

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