River and Wetland Restoration

UN Environment. (2023, August 23). Largest river and wetland restoration initiative in history launched at UN Water Conference. Retrieved August 14, 2023 from https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/largest-river-and-wetland-restoration-initiative-history-launched-un


On March 23, 2023, the government launched the Freshwater Challenge at the UN water conference in New York. This challenge’s goal is to restore 300,000 km of rivers and 350 million hectares of wetlands. To fulfill these goals, the Freshwater Challenge will first provide the evidence needed to design restoration measures. Then they will determine which areas need restoration the most. Then they will improve current restoration measures. Finally, they will collect financial reimbursement to fulfill their projects. 


The work of the Freshwater Challenge is very important. Healthy rivers & freshwater ecosystems have many benefits. For starters, they serve as a vital water supply for us humans. They are also critical for adapting to climate change. Since rivers are very degraded, the fish populations are starting to suffer as well. This is why I think that the Freshwater Challenge will be beneficial and should be pursued. This program relates to environmental science because they had to research the best ways to restore the environment and chose to focus on river restoration. This challenge will greatly help us in the future. 

2 thoughts on “River and Wetland Restoration

  1. This seems to be a very important issue. When rivers are restored they not only get cleaner water, but they become a healthier ecosystem for many species in need. How long do you think it will take to pursue the Freshwater Challenge, and how much will it help?

    • Hi Luke! Thanks for reading my article. Great question- I think that pursuing the Freshwater Challenge may take several years, given all the work they must do to fulfill their goals. I think their work will be very helpful in the long run.

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